Propeller ECE Resources Interest Form
Email Address
Phone Number
Business Name
Business Address
What type of center do you operate?
Please select...
FCC (Family Child Care)
Type 3
If you selected other, please specify your center type.
What is your center's licensed capacity?
How many students are currently enrolled at your center?
Sign Me Up for Information about the ECE Shared Resource Platform
Please select...
I would like to register for upcoming ECE Shared Resources Platform registration training.
Please select...
Yes, I will attend.
I am unable to attend the registration training but still want to register. Please contact me directly.
I would like to register for upcoming ECE Shared Resources Platform registration training. I am interested in receiving 1:1 back office technical assistance when it becomes available. I understand that to access these resources, I must be a licensed ECE provider.
Please select...
Maybe - I'd like some more information.
Your Demographic Info
With which racial or ethnic group(s) do you identify? (Hold CTRL Key for PC and Command Key for Mac to select more than one)
Please select...
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Middle Eastern or North African
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
I prefer not to respond
Another race or identity not listed here
If other race or ethnicity, feel free to specify:
What is your gender identity?
Please select...
Non-binary or genderqueer
They prefer not to say
They prefer to self-describe
If you prefer to self-describe your gender, feel free to specify:
City of Birth (optional)
Your Demographic Info
What is your ethnicity?
Please select...
Hispanic or Latinx
Non-Hispanic or Latinx
I prefer not to respond
With which racial or ethnic group(s) do they identify? (Hold CTRL Key for PC and Command Key for Mac to select more than one)
Please select...
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Hispanic, Latinx, or Spanish origin
Middle Eastern or North African
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
I prefer not to respond
Another race or identity not listed here
If other race or ethnicity, feel free to specify:
What is their gender identity?
Please select...
Non-binary or genderqueer
I prefer not to say
I prefer to self-describe
If they prefer to self-describe their gender, feel free to specify:
Are you a native New Orleanian?
Please select...
I'm not sure
I prefer not to respond
Contact Information